
Author Topic: So how many more are going to die?  (Read 5027 times)

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So how many more are going to die?
« on: August 13, 2007, 07:06:39 PM »
I was close to tears watching the news tonight about that 57 year old  guy from Warrington, confronting that filthy festering sewer scum that kicked him to death for DARING to chastise and tackle all 15 of them for vandalising his property.

The heart breaking letter from one of his 3 daughters brought a bloody big lump to my throat tbh.
 I feel heartily sick to the pit of my stomach that this so called civilised society of ours can let this happen over and over again.

So. What is the answer to tackle this pond life scurge on our society?
Well according to plod, we should do nowt but ring them up so they can attend and deal with it.
Yea....... right. rubschin:
Tried that myself, and IF you can get through to them, they are always TOO busy at that moment, dealing with trouble elsewhere, but they WILL get someone out to you asap.
2 hours later IF you're lucky, by which time the vermin will have repeatedly verbally abused you and your family, threatened you, smashed your property up, kicked your fences down, been in your garden pissing, setting fire to the nearby trees and bushes and so on.

THIS is NOT the answer we law abiding citizens are willing to listen to. But what IS the answer?
I threatened to turn the hosepipe onto some local filth lately, and told the fuzz so, but was sternly warned that I would be arrested if I did so.

Is it time for vigilante groups to be patrolling our streets at weekends?
Is it time we all armed ourselves with baseball bats?
Or is it the same old shite that we've been putting up with for years....turning a blind eye, quivering behind the curtains with fear as we hear our property being smashed up, and letting this filth rule our streets forever.

We need some sensible answers and solutions NOW, before anyone else is mindlessly murdered doing what he or she is entitled to do, by protecting their own hard earned property and families.

I have had enough, but feel totally helpless.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 07:09:11 PM by GROWLER »

Online Grumpmeister

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 07:20:11 PM »
Tried ringing the police down here once and got a bleedin IVR system. I dont want a machine playing 20 flaming questions with me about the nature of my call. I want an old style copper, I want Dirty Harry, I want Burnside, I want an officer who will come down here and crack these little scrotes round the head to teach them the error of their ways.  cussing:
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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 07:34:34 PM »
Couldn't agree more.

You also hear stories of people being attacked and people standing by, what would i do.  I'd like to think help out but i also don't fancy my name followed by the words 'leaves a wife and three young children'.

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2007, 08:06:55 PM »
There were some scrotes outside here last night kicking up. I thought about going after them, and then thought better of it. Sad but true.

On the whole, I would rather live.

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2007, 08:45:24 PM »
I've thought long and hard about this on more than one occasion.

My conclusion - regrettably - is that the only way out now is for brutal measures. Just seen Panorama (in Turkey) about gangs and stuff in Newham. Tragic stuff. And, I think, there is no possible redemption for the majority of them.

Those of us left who still hold decency and family values as paramount now MUST do something to stop the slide into anarchy.

Vigilantes will happen - and sooner rather than later. Those that participate will be punished far worse than those whose crimes they were seeking to settle outside the judiciary. It is a price worth paying, as we cannot rely on the goverment - or the under staffed police force - to do it. They would rather watch it on TV and impose Marshall Law, thus further eroding our liberty, than take an active lead in eradicating it.

Most scrotes will vote for the government, as long as they keep handing out the freebie benefits.

Even the Mods and Rockers had jobs and only really fucked with each other - this new generation are utterly devoid of principles and believe that the dross on TV and in film is "how it is".

Well, no, it isn't. Learn it the easy way, or from the end of my twelve-bore. The choice is yours.



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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2007, 08:51:14 PM »
Fear not,, the government are allowing 16 year old to become community policemen, a worrying thought crosses my mind, ( a lonely journey I know) will these thugs in uniform have access to my home in law?

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2007, 07:06:30 AM »
BUT Our government tells us that crime has decreased, that there are more policemen then ever, that detection and conviction rates are higher than ever and we have nothing to worry about.

Surely you believe them? ::)
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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2007, 07:58:33 AM »
We get little of this sort of trouble round here, but I am horrified at what I see in the towns.

There have been some occasions where young lads have ventured out here and caused a bit of a rumpus but without fail they seem to stumble and bump their heads, and always in clear sight of three or more locals. eyes:

Anyhoo, must get on, I have a Wicker Man to build.
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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2007, 09:50:26 AM »
The unjustified beating of this poor man and his eventual death caused by the hands of this pack of yobs is appalling and totally beyond any argument of mitigation that a subsequent trial lawyer may plead on their behalf

I am one who has always generally jumped in to defend persons or property being abused ? regardless of what country I am living in at that time -  and whilst I don?t want to belittle the seriousness of this problem we have problems with a minority of unruly kids here to.

Weekend just gone, on our way out, spotted an incident (for the second time) where local lads (aro 15/16) were using the swimming pool facilities of the property across the road from us because the owners weren?t currently in residence.

Barmand said leave it ? I said (hands on hip) noooooooooooooooo it?s wrong and I feel that if the little misdemours aren't pointed out to be wrong when they happen then it's taken as read that they are accepted and then move on a notch or two in seriousness

Took a little bit of Cypriot cheek for my intervention efforts initially but then persuaded them (two local lads) that the last thing they really wanted was for

(a) for the owners to be told, which I said I would do if I found them using the pool without permission again


(b) me to tell their parents

AND THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE , because threat ?B? here still works!

Although they were obviously prepared to be cheeky little gits and use something which was not theirs feeling it was fun and their right at that time, they were seriously concerned about having their parents told and then having their parents disapproval reaped on their heads.

I?m guessing that the parents of these young murderers (because there really isn?t any other word to describe them) will claim their child?s actions weren?t their responsibility

This poor man died trying to show his family and the world what is acceptable behaviour and what isn?t ? it is just too sad and just plain heartbreaking.

The final question is would I (will I), regardless of where I am country wise, still wade in and stick my two pennyworths to stop yob action ? yes I would. Daft/insane perhaps but I know I just wouldn?t be able to stop myself.


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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2007, 10:22:30 AM »
I'm not too sure if it is p'raps more acceptable to the thugs, and less dangerous for a women to intervene under these circumstances tbh. You never hear of a woman being kicked to death by these yobs do you?
Do the thugs see blokes as 'fair bait' to issue a good kicking to p'raps, but slink off without too much fuss if a woman intervenes.
I don't know for sure tbh, but just thought I'd chuck that little observation into the pot.

I wonder what the outcome would have been if Barman had told these little rugrats to get out of the pool? rubschin:

Whatever, 1 bloke no matter how big and strong, is NEVER going to come out on top against 15 hollering 'screaming for blood' pricks like these. They are only 'brave' and rabid when in packs of 3 or more, as I've found out in the past.

Meanwhile, these absolute bastards that murdered this poor bloke, are in court this morning. 3 of them aged 15,16 and 18.
We calmly await the usual excuses from their briefs and parents, and how 'out of character it is for them to behave in this manner' ::)

I feel so desparately sad for the family of the victim. He was due to take his wife and 3 daughters on their foreign summer hoilday tomorrow.
Can't even begin to imagine what they must be going through following this so pointless and wasteful killing of a decent man, who only fought off stomach cancer 10 years ago.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 10:36:57 AM by GROWLER »

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2007, 10:40:35 AM »
I'm not too sure if it is p'raps more acceptable to the thugs, and less dangerous for a women to intervene under these circumstances tbh. You never hear of a woman being kicked to death by these yobs do you?
Do the thugs see blokes as 'fair bait' to issue a good kicking to p'raps, but slink off without too much fuss if a woman intervenes.
I don't know for sure tbh, but just thought I'd chuck that little observation into the pot.

I wonder what the outcome would have been if Barman had told these little rugrats to get out of the pool? rubschin:

Whatever, 1 bloke no matter how big and strong, is NEVER going to come out on top against 15 hollering screaming for blood pricks like these. They are only 'brave' and rabid when in packs of 3 or more, as I've found out in the past.

I do think part of your observations regarding gender of the person intervening are correct - ie: in the circumstances I explained although the two young lads probably thought I was an interfering old cow they didn't feel their macho'ness was being threatend by me

However the additional point that also seriously worries me is that the label of yob nowadays can't just be pinned to young males

I think I've mentioned before my horror at the behaviour and morales (what morales?) of young women nowadays and the fact that they are equally capable and guilty of appalling acts of bad behaviour and violence

It is pack mentality that leads to the bravado I agree and to be honest if I had a say in it I would punish the whole sodding lot of them (from Alpha down to the lowest runt watchng on) until someone caught on that what one does affects them all - but that's not PC is it   Angry9:  censored: 

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2007, 10:42:59 AM »
Bring on the revolution ~ NOW!!!!
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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2007, 10:45:24 AM »
The current situation is the inevitable effect of having 2 solicitors making sure that they have feathered their nests for their exiting No. 10 instead of doing the job they were elected for, running the country. Look at the amount of bloody stupid laws that have been introduced since Labour came to power. Now add to that the complete abortion that is the human rights act, something designed to do nothing more than give solicitors extra income defending criminals 'rights' and its no wonder crime here is endemic.  Banghead
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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2007, 10:56:00 AM »
Every forum I visit has almost 100% of members saying the same things ~ the only exceptions being the known bleeding heart liberals (I'll not name them but most of you know who they are) ~ so why is nothing being done about it. Are internet forums so unrepresentative of the majority? I don't think so but as I have been banging on for the past three years since getting involved with such places on the net and in public long before that, talking about it is not enough. We need real action and the first place is your Member of Parliament. If he/she does not do what you want then inform them that they will not get your vote and place your X next to someone who does agree with you. Join your local party and make sure you get a candidate who will do as you want.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 11:11:22 AM by Snoopy »
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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2007, 11:09:04 AM »
Very sad to say, but imo, ALL the mainstream parties are a total utter waste of time. Full of bullshit and empty promises. Only interested in feathering their own stinking nests.
We need a radical party in power, even if it means civil unrest on the streets.
Anything to rid our streets of this vile vermin.

Sadly though, this is 'roll over and tickle my tummy Britain', where most will simply just 'toe the line' for a quiet life. Whatever happened to the true British Bulldog fighting spirit?
These bastards are winning the battle presently. Like it or not, yob mob rules, O.K., and will continue to spiral out of control until someone grabs this disgusting problem by the scruff of the neck and sorts it with extreme and drastic measures.
We'll no doubt have to listen to the PC brigade whinging about these little darlings rights then though. evil:
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