Author Topic: So how many more are going to die?  (Read 5026 times)

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Mr Happy

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2007, 10:40:11 PM »
Slightly off topic, but still very relevant as to just how much this country is rapidly declining, I was shocked and horrified to read this story that I found on another forum.

Just how bastard sick is THAT ey?
We ...not literally us lot....are breeding a nation of mindless worthless filth, that are rapidly taking over this country.
I can't begin to imagine just how bad it's going to be in say 30 years from now at the rapid rate it's going downhill.

This'll be rectified quickly enough, the pigs don't like it when it's one of their own...


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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2007, 09:51:34 AM »

Chief Constable Peter Fahy warned parents over children drinkingParents who refuse to take responsibility for their children's underage drinking should be forced into accepting police offers of support, a senior officer has said.

The Chief Constable of Cheshire Police, Peter Fahy, was speaking one week after Warrington father-of-three Garry Newlove was allegedly attacked by a gang outside his home.

Mr Fahy said: "There should be some form of sanction from the criminal justice system to force some parents to take up the offers of support which we give them to help them deal with their children who have been underage drinking.

Haven't we heard all this shite before?
Helping the parents to help them deal with their kids underage extremely fat arse. evil:
Their's no bastard discipline in the schools (not allowed now, it's the little darling rights apparently  ::) ), their's no bastard discipline in the home, because the interbreeding piss and pot headed 'parents' are too bloody spaced out to either know or care where their rodent off spring are, and finally WE, the GREAT British public, are catergorically NOT allowed to tackle this filthy vermin on the streets, for fear of either being kicked to death by these herds of  parasitic low life drooped armed slack jawed toilet scum, or arrested by this pathetic nanny pc correct state of ours ffs. eveilgrin:

This useless money grabbing government are only interested in one thing. Money grabbing. All the other problems like our safety and welfare can piss right off as far as they are concerned.
Bring on the BNP please, as this shower of shite have shown they really don't give a toss.
 We've had enough.


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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2007, 10:00:07 AM »
And by sheer coincidence, I've just received a phone call as I was posting the last post, from one of my best and favourite customers....the local Hyundai dealership.
He's apparently just had his pitch invaded by a bunch of wothless scummy wankers, who decided it would be good fun to break into 8 brand new cars, remove the tools and spare wheels, and use them as missiles to do tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage to them all.
Nearly ever panel on these cars have been kicked, bricked and belted.
Even some of the 2nd hand cars came in for the same vicious treatment.

They even tried to 'hot wire' a brand new Coupe, after they'd ripped half the dashboard apart, only they are obviously so bloody thick to realise that this can longer be done due to the immobilsers that are now fitted as standard to all new cars.

I suspect I'm going to be busy in there next week, which is great for me I suppose, but tbh, I'd rather not have that type of work.

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #33 on: August 18, 2007, 10:02:33 AM »
I heard some of these scrotes being interviewed on the radio earlier. One said, "I am 16, I go to work, I pay taxes, so I can do what I like. I have rights."

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #34 on: August 18, 2007, 10:06:59 AM »
I heard some of these scrotes being interviewed on the radio earlier. One said, "I am 16, I go to work, I pay taxes, so I can do what I like. I have rights."

What about OUR fuckin' rights then, as law abiding peace loving decent citizens?
Oh, sorry. That doesn't count I suppose?

Iam bloody seething this morning, and i fear I'm going to snap when I see all this carnage at the main dealer next week.

IAM going to get a baseball bat, and Mrs G can piss off if she doesn't like it.
Even thought about getting a starting pistol to fire above their scroaty heads too tbh.


Shy Talk

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #35 on: August 18, 2007, 10:34:47 AM »
 Look all this having a "dig" at our police has to stop !! To infiltrate the world of the yob our thin blue line is now sending beat bobbies to learn SKATEBOARDING FFS!!!!!!and it gets better it done in patrol time but all is not lost ------IF there should be an more important incident arise they will give it prority . I fuckin give up !!!!! surrender:

BTW hello bear  eyes:


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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2007, 12:52:05 PM »
Look all this having a "dig" at our police has to stop !! To infiltrate the world of the yob our thin blue line is now sending beat bobbies to learn SKATEBOARDING FFS!!!!!!and it gets better it done in patrol time but all is not lost ------IF there should be an more important incident arise they will give it prority . I fuckin give up !!!!! surrender:

BTW hello bear  eyes:

Hello mate. ;)

I'm not particulary having a go at the plod tbh. Their hands are nearly as tied as ours are tbh, and we have the poxy government to blame on the whole for that, for allowing this country of ours to fall into the hands of the stinking scumbag interbred yobs that ARE now ruling our streets at night, oh, and of course the EU for dictating to us what and what we cannot do in the first place.

I despair, and whobetide the next bunch of drunken thuggy bastards that kick my fence down or hurl abuse at me.
I'd almost gladly take a criminal rercord on board now to tackle this filthy vermin.

Terrorists are NOT the priority in this country anymore, imo. They potentially could affect a minority of the population of this country on an occassional basis. I'm not denying it's a very serious threat by the way. noooo:

No. It's these bloody animal thugs are damaging and threatening nearly everybodys lives EVERY BLOODY DAY, and decent folk are dying and becoming seriously injured and disabled for life because of it.

BROWN and your henchmen, you oaf. eveilgrin:
 WAKE UP and sort these desperate problems with radical reforms THIS WEEKEND you heathen, instead of mooching around with your armed guards living the life of luxury without a care in the world.
I could pleasurably sick2: on your breakfast table.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 01:03:02 PM by GROWLER »


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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2007, 01:24:06 PM »
Just picked up the loacal rag, and there are the headlines to greet me.

47 year old father with 15 year old son attacked whilst walking down a nearby street one evening last week, by a gang of 30 baying hollering drunken teenagers weilding broken fence panels and cans of 'white lightning.'

Both are now in hospital with serious facial injuries and broken limbs.
2 tenagers have been arrested, but released on bail pending further investgations following this unprovoked attack

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2007, 01:42:25 PM »
They have stopped delivering that paper to us. It made for depressing reading every week. And that Mad Vicar's column annoyed me too! Angry9:
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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2007, 01:45:06 PM »
They have stopped delivering that paper to us. It made for depressing reading every week. And that Mad Vicar's column annoyed me too! Angry9:

I have a good mate that NEVER reads a newspaper or watches or listens to the news, because it's............ 'too depressing'
That'll sort everything then I suppose. ::)

I dare say his ticker will last a great deal longer than mine though.

2 cars broken into during the night in the road next to ours last week.
1 had a handbag and purse taken, and the other had the sat nav and holder removed.
You really couldn't make up the useless stupidty of some people ey?
The theives almost deserve the goods they stole tbh.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 01:51:07 PM by GROWLER »

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2007, 01:55:42 PM »

You've got to laugh I suppose.....or slash yer wrists. rubschin:

Good find Nick, and sums SOME of it all up in a nutshell. sick2:

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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2007, 01:56:20 PM »
I was trying to work out where it was. Looked very like Wrexham, but it could be anywhere, which is the depressing part of it!
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Re: So how many more are going to die?
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2007, 02:00:23 PM »
I was trying to work out where it was. Looked very like Wrexham, but it could be anywhere, which is the depressing part of it!

It's virtually every bloody city town and village in the UK on any weekend night.

I see some of my fellow delightful scousers have been up to the Outer Hebrides, and scrawled their message of 'Celt Scoucers rule ok' on some thousand of years old prehistoric stones/monument up there.
Plod have spoken to them, but of course.... it wasn't me's ey mate.