You must have been moving your neck in your sleep
I was at 03:00 am, feeling decidedly unwell. Baking hot, then freezing cold, feeling sick, and then dizzy. Horrendous indigestion for over one hour and then it all just faded away.
Unfortunately, the texts then started from Mini Moose, to inform me that she's landed at Munterchester hairyport and that boyfriend developed food poisoning on the way to the hairyport in Terkee, and spent most of the 4.5 hour flight in the bog, lobbing 'it' out from both ends.
So bad he ended up on the floor with his arms and hands suffering from sort of seizure.
Ambulance waiting for him when they landed. More updates to follow apparently.
MM was saying that she was starting to feel unwell too.
Hopefully just a reaction to what she saw