
Author Topic: M.M.'s new moggy.  (Read 70752 times)

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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #150 on: February 09, 2013, 04:50:59 PM »
It is nice, but not quite as good in the flesh, so to speak.
They never are. Piccies can be so deceiving.
In fairness though, the description did state some of its warts, and for the price, i REALLY wasn't expecting a minter....wouldn't have wanted that anyway tbh. noooo:

It has been resprayed, and there is evidence of 'porridge' here and there, and the seats are generally very worn and partly GOOSED.

Do you know anybody that could do the seats like...?  rubschin:

Mmmmmmmmm  rubschin:  ;)

Charge her per hour ........... :thumbsup:


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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #151 on: February 09, 2013, 04:56:25 PM »
2 new panels and a full re-colouring. :thumbsup:

They ARE actually leather too btw! Shocked:

Didn't know that, as I thought all the cheaper end of the market were fitted only with vinyl in those days.


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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #152 on: February 10, 2013, 09:27:36 AM »
1956 completely renovated beautiful split screen for sale.
Been put on hold now, as some absolute disgusting and vile evil bastard has just keyed all down the side of it. Shocked:

No, I can't fathom out why either, apart from pure jealousy. Shrugs:

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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #153 on: February 10, 2013, 09:42:42 AM »
Quote from: GROWLER
Thanks for posting that picture and obfusimicating  the reg no. out and not posting a description or link to where it is....unlike a certain cottage i was looking at a few months ago.

You're very welcome mate!  Thumbs:
Pro Skub  Thumbs:


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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #154 on: February 10, 2013, 09:47:12 AM »
Quote from: GROWLER
Thanks for posting that picture and obfusimicating  the reg no. out and not posting a description or link to where it is....unlike a certain cottage i was looking at a few months ago.

You're very welcome mate!  Thumbs:

Soz, but i didn't want the listeners to know that you dun'it as they all think I'm a whizz kid on 'puter matters. redface:
Truth is out now though. sad32:

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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #155 on: February 10, 2013, 09:53:42 AM »
Quote from: GROWLER
Thanks for posting that picture and obfusimicating  the reg no. out and not posting a description or link to where it is....unlike a certain cottage i was looking at a few months ago.

You're very welcome mate!  Thumbs:

Soz, but i didn't want the listeners to know that you dun'it as they all think I'm a whizz kid on 'puter matters. redface:
Truth is out now though. sad32:

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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #156 on: February 10, 2013, 09:57:53 AM »
Quote from: GROWLER
Thanks for posting that picture and obfusimicating  the reg no. out and not posting a description or link to where it is....unlike a certain cottage i was looking at a few months ago.

You're very welcome mate!  Thumbs:

Soz, but i didn't want the listeners to know that you dun'it as they all think I'm a whizz kid on 'puter matters. redface:
Truth is out now though. sad32:


Wha'? Shrugs:

Tar anyway. Luv  you (maly) kissy kissy cloud9: lol:
Any chance of sum more like? whistle:


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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #157 on: February 10, 2013, 10:03:35 AM »
Meanwhile....meanwhile, I can't get me 'ed around the fact that MM doesn't appear to be overly excited about this. rubschin:

She wants to drive it first now she tells me, to see if she likes it! eeek:

Told her that isn't going to be possible, as I'd have to insure it first, and if she decided that she didn't like it, I'd have to cancel the new policy which will probably cost me many snotters, and I'd also feel obliged to release the deposit what i gave to the vendor as a gesture of goodwill for arsing him about. redface: redface: redface:
Add to that the fuel I've already used there and back too. evil:

Tell you's, I'm just starting to wonder why TF I actually bother TRYING to be a 'elpful caring father sometimes, I REALLY do. confused:

If it had been me in this position, I'd have been absolutely and totally creaming meself with excitement, or am I actually missing a point somewhere here please? Shrugs:
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 10:06:38 AM by GROWLER »


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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #158 on: February 10, 2013, 10:09:31 AM »
Even G Jnr is saying that he doesn't blame here for having reservations, as it's an olwld car from my era!

 So? Shrugs:

I mean, wtf is THAT all about ey?  Shrugs:
He even suggested that I'm not really buying it for her, I'm buying it for myself!!! eeek:  Shocked:

They've abviously been discussing this behind my back, and I'm feeling decidedly hurt now tbqatth.

As for Mrs Moose, well she's just staying out of it, brushing the whole idea under the carpet...as usual. Banghead

Do you's lot EVER get the feeling that you really shouldn't have bothered about something, 'cus that's exactly how I'm just beginning to feel deep down inside, snide little comments and a general air of 'I couldn't really give a jot'. rubschin:
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 10:16:49 AM by GROWLER »

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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #159 on: February 10, 2013, 10:33:05 AM »
I like to do things for all my kids. For Birthdays and Christmas I hunt down gifts that I think are different and that they will like. The younger ones still appreciate the effort but the older ones only want money because I cannot, apparently, buy gifts that they really like. I personally dislike the easy option which requires no thought on the part of the giver and anyway my elder daughter has a household income in excess of £50k per annum whilst I, with one at uni and two still at school, get by on under £25k. What is the point of me sending her a token or cheque to the value of say £25 for her birthday and her sending me similar? We might just as well both keep our own money and say "Thanks for nothing".

Sorry Growler but it is a fact that no matter what you do for your children there comes a time to call it a day and leave them to get along on their own.
If she doesn't want the car, and it seems obvious from what you say that she doesn't, you can either buy it for yourself or not buy it and give her the money to buy her own choice of car instead ..... The money is what she really wants because she doesn't want your values imposed on her. You and most of us here can see the point of the Moggy but clearly she cannot ~ she can only see that you are saying that you "Know best" and that is what she is objecting to. Personally I think your choice of car is a good one and that she will gain considerable "cred" in driving it but she will always think of it as your car that you have forced on her.

Kids are always ungrateful no matter what you try to do ..... better sometimes to take the flack and leave them to it.

PS it occurs to me that the cost of the Moggy + Insurance etc would prolly cover the additional cost of insuring her mother's car for her to drive no matter how inconvenient that may prove to be .... doing that will also put obstacles in the way of her driving Mrs G's car whenever she wants to and the inconvenience to her and her mother will enable you to say "I told you so" many times in the future.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 10:36:52 AM by Snoopy »
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.


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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #160 on: February 10, 2013, 10:46:56 AM »
Good points well made, but this underlying feeling of discomfort that I'm now incurring is starting to hurt.

I feel like I've thought this through, and am doing the right thing.

Apart from the fact that sh'e'd in essence, have her own wheels, I also told her that she'd have fun coming to shows with me, (seperately so as not to cramp her style  whistle: ) as she's always moaning that she hasn't got any friends, and has nowt to do socially...absolute load of bollox imo, but she knows best....apparently. ::)

I reasoned that a couple of grand INVESTED in a car that probably won't go down in value, but indeed, possibly even go UP, was a far better option than just throwing an even larger wodge at a bit of legally required paper thus enabling her to drive Mrs G's car WHEN it was/is available.

I need to have some more in depth conversations with her today on all this, as my patience and goodwill gesstures are fast running out of steam. Banghead

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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #161 on: February 10, 2013, 10:51:51 AM »
PS it occurs to me that the cost of the Moggy + Insurance etc would prolly cover the additional cost of insuring her mother's car for her to drive no matter how inconvenient that may prove to be .... doing that will also put obstacles in the way of her driving Mrs G's car whenever she wants to and the inconvenience to her and her mother will enable you to say "I told you so" many times in the future.

 lol: lol: lol:

Good thinking...

Better still, buy the moggy and don't let her drive it....  eveilgrin:
Pro Skub  Thumbs:


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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #162 on: February 10, 2013, 10:59:12 AM »
PS it occurs to me that the cost of the Moggy + Insurance etc would prolly cover the additional cost of insuring her mother's car for her to drive no matter how inconvenient that may prove to be .... doing that will also put obstacles in the way of her driving Mrs G's car whenever she wants to and the inconvenience to her and her mother will enable you to say "I told you so" many times in the future.

 lol: lol: lol:

Good thinking...

Better still, buy the moggy and don't let her drive it....  eveilgrin:

Silly little moo wants this heap of saxo shite that I lent her over the last 12 months.
She keeps groaning on about how much she loves it. ::)
It needs to be sold pronto and out the way. eveilgrin:

I bought initially to do it up (light panel damage) and sell on for a few hundred squiddlies profit, but she comandeared it from her soft in the 'ed father. Banghead

I'd have thought with her being so artistic, she'd have appreciated summat a bit out of the ordinary and with a bit of a 'cool factor' attached, rather than a crappy chavmobile. Shrugs:

As the olwd dog sez though, i do think that decisions made for her...as 'dad knows best'.... are not going down too well.
Could be wrong, but the next few days will tell.

Offline apc2010

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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #163 on: February 10, 2013, 01:12:54 PM »
PS it occurs to me that the cost of the Moggy + Insurance etc would prolly cover the additional cost of insuring her mother's car for her to drive no matter how inconvenient that may prove to be .... doing that will also put obstacles in the way of her driving Mrs G's car whenever she wants to and the inconvenience to her and her mother will enable you to say "I told you so" many times in the future.

 lol: lol: lol:

Good thinking...

Better still, buy the moggy and don't let her drive it....  eveilgrin:

Wot he said ^^............keep it for yourself or tart it up and turn it.....or get her a rail card ..


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Re: M.M.'s new moggy.
« Reply #164 on: February 10, 2013, 01:25:15 PM »
I've just very lightly 'brushed# on the subject, you know, just to let her know I'm not convinced of her gratitude, for want of a better werd,  for what I'm actually trying to achieve for her.

She sounded confuzzled which is good for priming the thoughts and instilling a bit of enthusiasm for a 'discussion'.