Growler is an muppet
Thanks for that urchin.
I spent literally hours, probably days when all the hours are mounted up, ringing dozens of insurance companies and brokers, trawling the net on various web sites and forum, and doing many many internet insurance enquiries and quotes.
Me 'ed was totally ballooned after it all, and the cheapest quote i could get for a 'modern car' was £2720, and that was for just 10 months too, so make that 3 grand for the year.
One of the reasons for the high price was due to a NO BLAME claim 12 months ago that resulted in the woman that backed into her then car going through her insurance to pay for the repairs to MM's (mine actually) car.
THIS is sadly taken into considertation at calculating re-newal of premium time, and even though MM wasn't actually in the car at the time, in the eyes of thieving insurance companies, who are always looking for an excuse to whack premiums up, they now see MM as a potentially higher risk than she was previously.
Crazy, but true.
Add on the usual postcode risk shite too, and there you have it...IF that's ok with you like?
As previously and well documented siomewhere on this thread, pages ago, MoMo cost just over £400 to insure for 12 months with unlimited mileage and full breakdown cover.