MM had to call out
The DICSTCCYCAHMP Service this evening (Dad. I can't start the car, can you come and help me please...for future reference like)
Told her to leave it for 10 minutes and try again, as i suspected when she told me she'd used the choke, that she'd flooded the carb and drowned the plugs
Rang me back, and i could hear her churning away on the starter motor.
Bit pissed off and slightly annoyed, I finished what i was doing and drove the 6 miles to the zoo to see her sitting in MoMo in the corner of the car park.
Lobbed her out, got in, ignition on, quick tug of the starter button, and hey bleedin' presto, no problem, first time as ever (for me
I've been sitting here all evening wondering why this happened, and i just casually asked her....fully expecting a sarcastic "YES" did turn the ignition on first, DIDN'T you?
With an embarrased and increasing grin, she slid out of the room.
She's since admitted that as soon as she saw me turn the key, she realised that's what she hadn't done, but thought I'd flip if she mentioned it.
As bloody IF!