Spare a though for those bereft of fibre optic, give generously to ByteFam. This is the plain Engish version of the reply all those providers give the likes of me:
"Piss off you country bumpkin, wet string links for you losers and no hope of it getting wetter"

[/bitter, twisted and jealous mode]
Am I right in thinking that I haven't really got to save anything onto discs and sticks and things, 'cus most of that sort of stuff is just on the 'puter and not on the broadband side of things?
It's all causing much confuzzlement in me Anna L og tuned 'ed, and this has been the main reason for putting it all off for so long (12 years)
Apparently I can even keep me existing email addy too, which is a great relief. 
In theory yes, in practice you can never do too many backups esp if they ask to load some of their software on your puter.
And if your email address has your current providers name anywhere in it then life can get more difficult once you ditch them and at some point will likely be cut off. Hotmail, Yahoomail and Gmail are very very transferable.