You will love it Growler but I think you'll find Discovery Channel is great for a few days and then you bore of it. They have loads and loads of badly narrated repeats
Showing right now on Discovery's multi channels via Sky
Mythbusters (what Snopes does better? This escipode is about can you run and jum from rope bridges, and can hail storms sink boats - who cares?)
Pagans (all airy fair magical crap - no smut)
Desert car kings (all about restoring a 1964 Plymouth Barracida - I don't care, we have the Mini thread and that's about a car type I have driven, repaire and cursed)
Weird Connections (about Human Sniffer dogs - iteresting for 5 minures)
I don't have access any more...
I used to like Mythbusters and Aircrash Investigations...
But as you say, many repeats and I found the frequent adverts and 'goldfish' style reminders of what had happened five minutes earlier most annoying...
I eventually dumped my mahoosive dish, cancelled the Sky subscription and don't miss it a bit...
Anything I want to watch I can download - always with the adverts conveniently edited out....