
Author Topic: The all new Growler takes the petulant MM on Cow TV (changing trains in Brum)  (Read 1504 times)

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When you've all finished chortling like. ::)

It was a truly distressing and chlostraphobic experience that was yesterday I'll 'ave you's know. evil:
I don't take well to being trapped in a metal tube with loads of sweaty sheeple. noooo:

Had a rather unpleasant and intimidating staring out competition with a group of 3 asians too that were eyeing up MM. cussing:
MM was most unpleased with me for creating an seemingly aggresive atmosphere. ::)
Think they got the message that I was NOT best pleased when one of them tried a briefly 'smiling at me tactic' that failed most miserably.

MM claims I'm racist too btw. eeek:
Well it friggin'IS the middle east of Britain ffs!  Banghead
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 09:01:32 AM by GROWLER »

Offline Baldy

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A chocolate babby?  rubschin:

Offline Just One More

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WTF is Cow TV?

This is a Nickism.

Every  train journey he makes is subject to disaster. Do you detect a running theme ?

Therefore he ends up staring out into the fields for hours on end ......hence Cow TV.

It could of course be applied to viewing the passengers herded into your carriage also. Generally when Nick is on a train there is a gorgeous wumman , giving him the eye and obviously wanting his body. That is probably more MadCow TV though.


You could do a synopsis of all the $ky/Virgin Channels like. I would imagine the word "shite" would feature often
LiFe - It's an "F" in lie


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A chocolate babby?  rubschin:

Tell you felleah, I'm just glad she wasn't on her own.

A nastier dodgier looking bunch of asian munters i couldn't have wished to meet, and they are just so fuckin' blatant in the way they stare too....bit like meself when pushed into it.

Anyone else would look away all embarrased they'd been caught out, but not these three twats. eeek:
I just glared at all three of them and they kept looking away, and then back again to see if i'd looked away, which i clearly hadn't. evil:

I was so tempted to say summat, but MM knew my game and kept nudging me and mouthing quietly "don't you dare"
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 09:41:12 AM by GROWLER »

Offline Snoopy

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It is a cultural thing Growler ...... All Asians (Indian and Pakistanis) behave like that. There isn't actually any threat intended ~ they just haven't been brought up not to stare the way we have. I agree that it can be most unpleasant but less so when you know that they don't know better. Chinese and Japanese Asians would not dream of doing it. If you really want to upset the darker hued Asians show the soles of your shoes by putting your feet up ..... that really freaks them out.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.


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It is a cultural thing Growler ...... All Asians (Indian and Pakistanis) behave like that. There isn't actually any threat intended ~ they just haven't been brought up not to stare the way we have. I agree that it can be most unpleasant but less so when you know that they don't know better. Chinese and Japanese Asians would not dream of doing it. If you really want to upset the darker hued Asians show the soles of your shoes by putting your feet up ..... that really freaks them out.

That may well be the case, but no less intimidating all the same.

Not helped of course by them chunering and chortlin'away to each other in their own language.

I must have looked bloody furious, problee 'cus i was. Banghead

Offline Steve

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Last refund they promised me took 6 months and two reminders before it came

WTF is Cow TV?

This is a Nickism.

Every  train journey he makes is subject to disaster. Do you detect a running theme ?

Therefore he ends up staring out into the fields for hours on end ......hence Cow TV.

It could of course be applied to viewing the passengers herded into your carriage also. Generally when Nick is on a train there is a gorgeous wumman , giving him the eye and obviously wanting his body. That is probably more MadCow TV though.
Much ta Miss D, I'm a little bit less bewildered now

Mad Cow TV happy001
Well, whatever, nevermind


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Tell you summat though, from an iregular user of trains.
They are actually quite good when running properly.

I actually quite enjoyed seeing areas I usually drive through from a different angle.
Virgin were ace from Chester to Crewe. :thumbsup:
Clean and tidy too. eeek:

Now that is a bit of a twat of a road journey usually. evil:
 Not particulary far, but always pondorously slow behind wagos doing a short cut to the M6. ::)

The train absolutely gave it the biffters however, probably doning close to 100mph, and was there in 20 minutes as against the usual 45 in the car. eeek:
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 02:17:45 PM by GROWLER »

Offline tel

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Last refund they promised me took 6 months and two reminders before it came

WTF is Cow TV?

This is a Nickism.

Every  train journey he makes is subject to disaster. Do you detect a running theme ?

Therefore he ends up staring out into the fields for hours on end ......hence Cow TV.

It could of course be applied to viewing the passengers herded into your carriage also. Generally when Nick is on a train there is a gorgeous wumman , giving him the eye and obviously wanting his body. That is probably more MadCow TV though.

Unlike TMR who watches the trains from underneath.  lol:


Offline apc2010

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Last refund they promised me took 6 months and two reminders before it came

WTF is Cow TV?

This is a Nickism.

Every  train journey he makes is subject to disaster. Do you detect a running theme ?

Therefore he ends up staring out into the fields for hours on end ......hence Cow TV.

It could of course be applied to viewing the passengers herded into your carriage also. Generally when Nick is on a train there is a gorgeous wumman , giving him the eye and obviously wanting his body. That is probably more MadCow TV though.

Unlike TMR who watches the trains from underneath.  lol:

 ;D ;D

Offline Barman

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Last refund they promised me took 6 months and two reminders before it came

WTF is Cow TV?

This is a Nickism.

Every  train journey he makes is subject to disaster. Do you detect a running theme ?

Therefore he ends up staring out into the fields for hours on end ......hence Cow TV.

It could of course be applied to viewing the passengers herded into your carriage also. Generally when Nick is on a train there is a gorgeous wumman , giving him the eye and obviously wanting his body. That is probably more MadCow TV though.

Unlike TMR who watches the trains from underneath.  lol:

 lol: lol: lol:
Pro Skub  Thumbs:

Offline Baldy

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Last refund they promised me took 6 months and two reminders before it came

WTF is Cow TV?

This is a Nickism.

Every  train journey he makes is subject to disaster. Do you detect a running theme ?

Therefore he ends up staring out into the fields for hours on end ......hence Cow TV.

It could of course be applied to viewing the passengers herded into your carriage also. Generally when Nick is on a train there is a gorgeous wumman , giving him the eye and obviously wanting his body. That is probably more MadCow TV though.

Unlike TMR who watches the trains from underneath.  lol:

 lol: lol: lol: lol: