There I was at Malaga airport station, TRYING to dechiper how tf to actually purchase a travel ticket, as the machine didn't do Inglish.

Noticed a coat on the floor behind me.
Spanish train station git bought ticket for me after he saw me hitting the machine in my frustration.

Attention turned to coat on floor behind me, when I heard and noticed this staggering heap of geordie blubber, bellowing incoherently and jellying around at the top of the escalator, his wife TRYING to support it.
Wanderd up and asked him if it was his coat?
With an extremelly glazed look, he sort of attempted to look in the direction from whence I was talking.
Focusing was obviously too much for him, as he fell over.
I suggested to his wife/partner that he may be 'slightly over intoxicated'

, and was he actually in a fit state to be actually outside, let alone rtravelling?
His missus vhemenently defended what she seemingly took as an aggresive comment from me, and stated that he was on holiday and enjoying himself!

I shrugged

and moved on down the escaltor to the train platform.
Standing there, I heard this commotion , turned 'round just in time to see Mr pissed up Blobby and partner tumbling down the moving stairs, ending up in a heap with suitcases at the bottom.
MM was behind the commotion, frantically TRYING to walk back up the downward moving machine to avoid the chaos.
Absolutely no one on the platform moved to help this now increasingly dangerous situation, so I ran over, shifted the cases and pleaded with the 20 stone blob to shift his fat carcass before someone got hurt.
Meanwhile MM was simply 'treading water' behind him and his fat partner, but making steady progress back towards the top.

Frantically i searched for the emergency stop button, and could just see floor level.
WHY TF was the emergency button down there, piggin' gormless Spicks?

Managed to shift the fat twat sufficiently to press it anyway.
I left MM to stumble over the pair of fat goons as the train was now in the station.
I don't know what the final outcome was, and care even less tbh.
No thanks, no gratitude, no help, no hope.

Should have left the machine to turn this gross obomonation into a giant geordie burger.