Why oh why do we put up with this shite ey?
Do we REALLY enjoy having our tummies tickled SO much?


I absolutely despair with what and just how muc utter shite these tossers in power actually get away with, and yet WE, the great obedient unwashed....just caruy on and put up with it, all with a simple pathetic defeatist shrug of the shoulders...Mrs G being a prime example. One of tens of millions very sadly.
Outward security. get yerself virtually undressed to walk through the metal detector.
Haven't really got a problem with that.
Your hand luggage though,

All this shit about taking liquids with you.

What is it?
100mg maximum or summat?
So you utter wankers, a would be terrorist couldn't cause absolute mayhem and carnage on a 'plane with 100mg of suitable liquid then ey?

Absolute pure bollox.

The whole fiasco is merely a ploy to force you and me to buy their grossly overpriced drinks on their terms, bloody thieving scumbags.

Mrs G buys this 'health drink' stuff to help build yer resistance against bugs and nasties.
It's veryvery expensive and in a 500 ml bottle, and it does actually taste quite nice tbh, but wheather it werks or not, I really do not know.

Dopey bint put it in her hand luggage for some inexplicable reason, and the rest is history.

I tackled the power freaked uniformed jack booted gestapo bitch that confiscated it, TRYING to explain that it was harmless, and offered to take a large swig of the remaining 60-70% of the contents to prove my point.
Point blank refused, and ushered away by the vile slab faced slot gobb'ed cretin, and its selective hearing kicked in.

Pressure and fury rapidly building from within me at the totally unflexibilty of the whole fiasco, Mrs G and the Growlerettes could see a row was building again, and swiftly ushered me out of the way, hands over me gob.
You just CANNOT fight these cnts on your own I'm extremelly sad to say, so will 'everyone' join me please?
No. Thought not, tickle tickle sigh sigh.