I blame JOM... 

No. They've fitted those cheap nasty reflector ones in their place I noticed today.
Jomster spends too much time on here. 
I thought Miss D might be spending more time on her job as she was not posting too often, but after getting a pay rise methinks she has been spending more time with her boss. 
What can a taxpayer do?
I can go dig the twats up, and post 'em through the council office front door, that's what.

Rang the ueseless time wasting lazy cnuts up 2 weeks ago, to compalin about this shitty park that G Towers backs onto.
Had a right old battle several years ago me and the neighbours did, to actually finally get them to take some action to stop all the drug taking slithering interbreeds using it as a meeting place for their 'activities and general mayhem evety night.
I insisted on them placing a removable pole to stop the shite from driving their stolen cars in there...and the pikeys.
Needless to say, some twat has removed/nicked it, and as predicted, some filth has been driving around in there now,

so i rang them.
"someone from the green spaces dept....ffs, green spaces dept.

...will ring you tomorrow to discuss the matters further with you.
That was 10 bastard days ago ffs, and I'm still waiting, presumably to get the jam and sugar off their stubby little fingers!

Local councils?
We've got yer munny, now fuck off you moaning miserable time wasting sheeple.