Author Topic: RIP Snoopy  (Read 28867 times)

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Offline Miss Demeanour

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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #135 on: May 06, 2013, 03:14:19 PM »
Can we not just sort out the Middle East ?  ...would be simpler  lol:

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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #136 on: May 06, 2013, 03:17:17 PM »
Parachute Anne Widdecombe into Saud Arabia you say?  rubschin:

I'd buy tickets
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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #137 on: May 06, 2013, 03:46:37 PM »
Just reading 'Snoopy on duvets'...  lol: lol: lol:
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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #138 on: May 06, 2013, 03:54:35 PM »
I've struck the Mother lode!  cloud9:

Quote from: Snoopy
Well I would offer to take you myself ..... but Mrs Snoopy can be very Snoopy about where I am and who with ~ if you know what I mean After all what could I possibly get up to with a Bar Wench, in France, on our own, for a weekend? I mean ... she’d get some veal at the end of it. eyes:"
"Mrs goes to college Tues afternoons and eves.... thus I have the puppies to look after.
1 lumpy, hormone ridden, permanently PMT’d teenage female (13 yo) brings herself home via the school bus. Clumps into house at about 3.40 and demands food. Two boys (8 & 6) attend an “After School Club” to play on computers etc. Both Lumpen teenager and 8 yo also attend leisure centre 4 miles away to play Badminton from 5 til 7. So I have to get LT into the car by 4.35 to pick up boys and drive to Rhyl. At 4.35 she is standing at top of stairs screaming that her mother (35 miles away at college) has “SOOOOOOOOO LET ME DOWN ~ SHE HASN’T IRONED THE TROUSERS I WANTED TO WEAR” 
Coolly I reply that perhaps she could manage with one of three pairs of jeans or one of two pairs of joggers or even one of six pairs of shorts I know I have bought her in the last three months..... 
OK says me go in yer f*cking knickers but get yer arse into the car.
Disgruntled LT sees a basket of ironing, all pressed and folded sitting on the landing. “They may be in here” and starts dragging freshly pressed clothing out by the handful. She finds the trousers she is seeking and puts them on. Gets into car at 4.45 and we collect boys. I drive like a B out of H to Rhyl part with £6 in fees for the Badminton Club session and return home with 6yo who wants his tea. Cook Pizza (Frozen) and chips for him.
Find that there is no tomato ketchup for him .... who need tk on pizza? .......... Him Angry9:
He is now eating tea. SWMBO has rung to say she will not be in until 8 and would I mind cooking tonight as she is SOOOOOOOOOO tired. I have now picked up all the ironing and refolded it. 
6yo has now eaten the pizza and chips, drunk a glass of lemonade and wants his “pudding” Hand him a Tesco low fat yogurt and a tea spoon with warnings regarding spillage of same on living room carpet as he is also watching TV. Remind him that we have still to go back to Rhyl to collect the other two. Fill rice cooker with Basmati and peel, slice and fry large onion :’(  Dice cold chicken left from yesterday’s lunch ... throw all this plus a jar of Pataks into a saucepan and place on low heat.
Now all I have to do is press send on this, load smallest puppy into car, drive to Rhyl, prise 13yo off of whichever male member of the Junior Badminton Club she is attached to, collect disgusted at his sister 8yo from the canteen where he will be sipping expensive water from a bottle. Pay for his water ... drive home advising 13yo old of the dangers of gum disease and other nasties associated with leeching her mouth onto the tongue of greater spotted youth. Listen to 8yo telling me how she doesn’t ever want to play Badminton but only goes for the boys. Reassure him that one day it will make sense to him.
Arrive home about 7.30 to find SWMBO has got there already and has gone off the idea (HER idea) of curry and not hungry because she ate at college. 8yo will tell his mother about greater spotted youth and she will have a row with lumpen teenager. 8yo will tell me he doesn’t like curry this week and demand beans on toast.  Banghead I will give him beans on toast and eat a lot of curry, on my own, because Lumpen Teenager will have been sent to bed by her mother.
This is all predictable because it happens every sodding Tuesday.
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Offline apc2010

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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #139 on: May 06, 2013, 04:04:15 PM »
I've struck the Mother lode!  cloud9:

Quote from: Snoopy
Well I would offer to take you myself ..... but Mrs Snoopy can be very Snoopy about where I am and who with ~ if you know what I mean After all what could I possibly get up to with a Bar Wench, in France, on our own, for a weekend? I mean ... she’d get some veal at the end of it. eyes:"
"Mrs goes to college Tues afternoons and eves.... thus I have the puppies to look after.
1 lumpy, hormone ridden, permanently PMT’d teenage female (13 yo) brings herself home via the school bus. Clumps into house at about 3.40 and demands food. Two boys (8 & 6) attend an “After School Club” to play on computers etc. Both Lumpen teenager and 8 yo also attend leisure centre 4 miles away to play Badminton from 5 til 7. So I have to get LT into the car by 4.35 to pick up boys and drive to Rhyl. At 4.35 she is standing at top of stairs screaming that her mother (35 miles away at college) has “SOOOOOOOOO LET ME DOWN ~ SHE HASN’T IRONED THE TROUSERS I WANTED TO WEAR” 
Coolly I reply that perhaps she could manage with one of three pairs of jeans or one of two pairs of joggers or even one of six pairs of shorts I know I have bought her in the last three months..... 
OK says me go in yer f*cking knickers but get yer arse into the car.
Disgruntled LT sees a basket of ironing, all pressed and folded sitting on the landing. “They may be in here” and starts dragging freshly pressed clothing out by the handful. She finds the trousers she is seeking and puts them on. Gets into car at 4.45 and we collect boys. I drive like a B out of H to Rhyl part with £6 in fees for the Badminton Club session and return home with 6yo who wants his tea. Cook Pizza (Frozen) and chips for him.
Find that there is no tomato ketchup for him .... who need tk on pizza? .......... Him Angry9:
He is now eating tea. SWMBO has rung to say she will not be in until 8 and would I mind cooking tonight as she is SOOOOOOOOOO tired. I have now picked up all the ironing and refolded it. 
6yo has now eaten the pizza and chips, drunk a glass of lemonade and wants his “pudding” Hand him a Tesco low fat yogurt and a tea spoon with warnings regarding spillage of same on living room carpet as he is also watching TV. Remind him that we have still to go back to Rhyl to collect the other two. Fill rice cooker with Basmati and peel, slice and fry large onion :’(  Dice cold chicken left from yesterday’s lunch ... throw all this plus a jar of Pataks into a saucepan and place on low heat.
Now all I have to do is press send on this, load smallest puppy into car, drive to Rhyl, prise 13yo off of whichever male member of the Junior Badminton Club she is attached to, collect disgusted at his sister 8yo from the canteen where he will be sipping expensive water from a bottle. Pay for his water ... drive home advising 13yo old of the dangers of gum disease and other nasties associated with leeching her mouth onto the tongue of greater spotted youth. Listen to 8yo telling me how she doesn’t ever want to play Badminton but only goes for the boys. Reassure him that one day it will make sense to him.
Arrive home about 7.30 to find SWMBO has got there already and has gone off the idea (HER idea) of curry and not hungry because she ate at college. 8yo will tell his mother about greater spotted youth and she will have a row with lumpen teenager. 8yo will tell me he doesn’t like curry this week and demand beans on toast.  Banghead I will give him beans on toast and eat a lot of curry, on my own, because Lumpen Teenager will have been sent to bed by her mother.
This is all predictable because it happens every sodding Tuesday.


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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #140 on: May 06, 2013, 04:55:07 PM »
Go "Team VP"  :thumbsup:

We need to get Stella McCartney to design Lycra outfits for them. ;D
I have always thought that the worst thing about drowning was having to call 'help!' You must look such a fool. It's put me against drowning.
J Basil Boothroyd

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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #141 on: May 06, 2013, 05:00:56 PM »
Miss D in lycra and a moon landing you say?  rubschin:
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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #142 on: May 06, 2013, 05:08:06 PM »
Not a hope in hell  noooo:

Offline Barman

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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #143 on: May 06, 2013, 06:02:41 PM »
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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #144 on: May 06, 2013, 06:22:03 PM »
Shall I include the bit about his farmers and the bidet like...?  rubschin:
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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #145 on: May 06, 2013, 06:31:20 PM »
New theme: Arse care  ::)

The kids will love that one
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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #146 on: May 06, 2013, 06:33:46 PM »
Quote from: Snoopy on Maddie
"It’s about people trying to deal with their own sense of utter helplessness. If it gives them comfort why not?
Me? I pray for the child because I have belief. I pray that she didn’t suffer but I know that she will have and if still alive is still suffering. Whether she is dead or alive the only people in the world that she relied on let her down when she needed them the most. That will have been in her mind ~ every instinct, every fibre of her being, in her mind, shouting her poor heart out for her mummy and mummy was too f*cking busy having a good time away from the kids. I won’t light a candle but by God I cannot forgive the parents and hope they suffer as that child has suffered. Can you imagine the utter loneliness and bewilderment she must have felt. Maybe she is still feeling it and if she is alive she will carry that feeling forever. However this turns out that child’s dying thought will have been or will be “Mummy wasn’t there ~ where was she?”
Having children is a huge responsibility, giving birth is just the start. This child’s parents did not recognise that. They wanted “My time” .... when you have children there is no “my time” your every thought must be for the benefit of the child. I referred elsewhere to the child being a “Must Have Accessory” and I stand by that. That is why the parents had her and it is obvious because when she really needed them they were too intent on having a good time. I have five children ~ never once have we ever left any one of them without at least one parent in the house with them. Since our eldest was born we have never had a single “night out” together. If we cannot take the children with us we don’t go. That is not virtuous and we do not see it as a burden .... It goes with the territory, it is the price we accepted we would pay for the gift of having children.
Yes I do feel very strongly that some people do not deserve that gift and this couple are just such people.
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Offline Miss Demeanour

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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #147 on: May 06, 2013, 06:48:27 PM »

"Just back from a very pleasant evening spent at Prestatyn Cricket Club where I sat on the pavilion veranda sipping a pint, smoking a ciggy and watching the coaches putting my two lads and many other boys through their weekly training session. The sun shone, it was pleasantly warm, even with the breeze coming off the sea (only a hundred yards behind me). Minimus selected to stand behind the stumps on the 11th when the under 11s play St Asaph. Minor showing off his David Gower like grace with bat in hand.
So two tired but happy boys, a good old chin-wag with the other fathers about cricketers we have seen (and known) through the years, a couple of pints of best bitter and a stop at the chippy on the way home to feed the hungry little b*ggers.
Can life get any better? I doubt it.  cloud

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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #148 on: May 06, 2013, 06:49:11 PM »
He had a way of getting to the heart of a matter.

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Re: RIP Snoopy
« Reply #149 on: May 06, 2013, 06:50:28 PM »
He had a way of getting to the heart of a matter.

Ironic really....
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