Y cant i eat in front of ppl?
in school i just cant eat in front of guys. i feel like ill look like a fatty and a slob but ik i wont i just feel like it. so today was the first day of school (and probably the worst first day of school i have ever had but were not going to talk about that now) and i was rly nervous and i had a lot of anxiety. i got full bangs and everyone says i should keep them and they look so cute even a few guys said it looked good but that was barley a confidence boost. i just look down all the time and they moved our lunch to the middle of 6 period(ik wtf?) so im starving and i get to lunch but the anxiety was so bad i couldnt even eat i only ate half a piece of bread! how do i chill out when it comes to eating in front of guys!?!?!?!?