Good plan. I used to wash woollens too hot. Many of my old jumpers are too small for Mrs Nick but The Boy fits them now 
Do you need a passport to travel from the uk the isle of wright by ferry?
Having lived on the IoW I can tell the enquirer the answer is no but there are many shops on the Island that sell IoW passports to the tourists.

As for the Tumble Dryer ~ they take forever to dry anything because the average household washing machine does not spin fast enough to remove the excess water so your first hour in the tumbler is spent reheating the water logged items from the 40 deg wash to something much higher ~ which is why they shrink.
Your best bet is to take all tumble-able items, once home washed, to your local launderette where they will have a high speed spin dryer. Use that first then tumble dry on a medium setting. Their dryers are much larger thus the airflow is better and the clothes dry quicker. You also get to sit with a lot of yummy mummies who will be happy to "help" you if you look "helpless" enough.

You also get to watch their undies tumbling around behind the glass door.

I have over the years spent many a happy hour in launderettes.