On the subject of ignorance I'm afraid it is not confined to the USA.
Woodstock was asked, by a student, "Soooooo ... Was Queen Victoria the one wot got her head chopped off then?"
Before Woodstock could recover another student bellowed "No you arse, that was Anne Boleyn"
First student then replied "Oh so Ann Boleyn was her mum then"
Woodstock reports that she felt an urgent need to leave the room before committing a capital crime.
Same student, who clearly has not grasped the concept of history, also asked "Sooooooo...... If Queen Victoria got Christmas from the Germans does that mean we didn't have Christmas before her then?"
Guffaws around the room and someone else answered "You twat, Christmas has been around since Jesus was born innit and that's like fousands of years ago"
Personally I am in awe of Woodstock's patience ~ I'd have killed someone by now.