Is it safe for a 19-year old with Asperger Syndrome to own and use a Samurai sword?
I intend on using it on fake targets to practice my coordination. I also think it would be really cool to own one. I have some dark interests (eg. extreme bloody violence, sharp-edged weapons, murder *tied in with forensic interest, serial killers, pathology, etc) but I'm non-violent. I sometimes feel like doing stuff and I visualize it sometimes but I keep it in my head. Again, I think it'd be something different. I'm old enough now in the UK to legally own and purchase a blade.
Do any of them state their names and where they live? For example....
Is it safe for a 19-year old with Asperger Syndrome to own and use a Samurai sword?
I intend on using it on fake targets to practice my coordination. I also think it would be really cool to own one. I have some dark interests (eg. extreme bloody violence, sharp-edged weapons, murder *tied in with forensic interest, serial killers, pathology, etc) but I'm non-violent. I sometimes feel like doing stuff and I visualize it sometimes but I keep it in my head. Again, I think it'd be something different. I'm old enough now in the UK to legally own and purchase a blade. I live in Nottingham and my name is Nick.