Could you have a conversation on the concorde (plane)?
It may seem like a stupid question, but if the plane travelled faster than the speed of sound, how would you be able to talk or listen to anything, without your plane moving faster than your voice?
Holy fuck!
I had an argument about this on a Cyprus forum that went on for months...
It started about that Felix Bumbugger and how he was falling faster than the speed of sound and they couldn't hear him...
I still have callouses on my fingers from all the typing...
There is of course another aspect of this.
Was the questioner talking of a conversation on or in the Concorde?
Well, the mongtardfuckwit questioner posted how amazing it was that we couldn't hear what he was saying...
..and I merely posted along the lines of, "yes, it was shit on Concorde not being able to hear anybody"...
...and then it kicked off...
I'll try and find the thread...