Just had me highlight of the day experience.
B and extremelly long Q for an new shower 'ose.
Till munter greeted me with the most hooge smile ever seen by man or beast, , and a hello darling and how are you today?
Me, he sez looking over his shoulder...painfully.
Yes sweetheart, you. are you well, and when you're ready please place your card into the machine please.
Transaction completed, I watched yet another almost face cracking smile as her eyes disappeared into her bloated cheeks.
"Do have a most enjoyable rest of the day my lovely, and thank you so much for shopping with us
Yu wha?
I did actually mutter "fuck off you tosser" under me breath as I beat a hasty retreat with the sheer excitement and anticipation of the predicted enjoyment of fitting new shower hose, with her werds still ringing in me ears.