Warning........Bad language from the start Where to start.
Stressed to hell. Two solid weeks of busy stuff, dealing with absolute arsewipe fukwits who expect the world from you without wanting to pay for it.
Whilst having a borderline breakdown I trapped a nerve in my back, then got a chest infection at the worst possible time to have a frickin cough, then half of the equipment broke at the busiest time so I dont have time to get it fixed, then when I really thought I was going to keel over my parents phoned with the most fuckin spiteful call. Its my Grandad's birthday at the end of the month and when I explained that I couldn't go I was told that I don't care about my family and have let them all down etc etc. May I say at this point that I care ridiculously about my family, also that they get an hour of free calls a month to Cyprus yet they never bloody call me. And when I call them it's only to be told what a dissapointment I am .
I came to Cyprus as a teenager, alone, and now have a successful business and they still think I am a beach bum.
Recent conversation with my father....
me- "at least I am happy"
dad - "its not about happiness, you are not getting any younger, you've had your fun now...its time to get a proper job"
Anyhoo, got stuck in traffic tonight on the way to wedding, pulled up and the tyre went pop. This is a rental car cos ours has blown head gasket, now also need to buy a new car. Security at the hotel screaming to move the car, bride and groom waiting for entertainment..........
Think I am going to lose my fucking mind. Threw up today for no reason then thought my heart was going to explode out of my body.
Like the thread says......enough is enough.
I want my hut on he beach.