Today's little "send off" was entertaining . . . .
The part time taxi driver chappie (Graham) was putting the final touches to cleaning the stretch for the "guests".
We arrived in the hearse at the "customer's" house, and, when the stretch turns up, we see that the daft muppet's only gone and left the chamois on the boot!
Anyway, the guvnor grabs it sharpish like and off we jolly well go - heading for the local "House of the Rising Sun" crem for the "despatching" and, on arrival, "Pace Off" down from the gate.
All is going well until the dulcet tones of someone's mobile can be heard! The guvnor looks at us and demands (in stern tones) "Whose phone is that?"
"Not mine" we all chorus - turns out that it was some punters at another "despatching" - remarkably high "turnover" these crems have!
Once we've got the "customer" on the catafalque and have done the "offices" we leg it sedately outside to move all the flowers Floral Tributes round to the back for later perusal by the guests (so they can assess how much each other has spent on the dear departed!)
That done, we're done. Back into the hearse (a bit like the Addams Family) and head back.
Turns out that Rownan (the driver) has a pressing appointment to pick up his youngster from school - do not for one minute think that hearses cannot move quickly! This bugger was pushing 90 most of the way back.
Another one tomorrow first thing . . . . . . .