Some small amendments required me thinks..........................
Well I got here at the appointed hour and gave LL the mahoosive (was big - thank you) box of chocolates I had brought for her, advising her to hide them from BM. This she swiftly did.
BM gave me some Lidl beer, put his going out shirt on, LL bossed him about a bit (oh you bunch of wimps - I only called him a Tosser for almost forgetting to pack the sausages rolls I had lovingly cooked for you both that afternoon) and then we went to the concert. Ackchooly, we went to the village pub, which is evidently a hot bed of illicit affairs, local politics and feuds, much like the rest of the village.
After more beer we got into the amfitheatre thing and BM produced more Lidl beer and enough sausage rolls to feed Somalia. We tucked in miserably (my sausage rolls were happy sausage rolls I'll have you know - its you old male gits that are miserable, sometimes.....)
The cream of Pissouri society was there, many looking like criminals, extras from East Enders or both. |TRUE
We successfully ignored some dodgy DJ and then a fat bird dressed on the front half of a zebra costume appeared, introduced herself as Dusky Springfield and quickly massacred two songs.
At last the Beakles arrived (I had never noticed that Ringo was Japanese) and began to play. LL commented on how short Ringo was (she is obsessed with tallness) but I pointed out that he was sitting down
The wigs were less convincing than BM's, John and Paul didn't look like them and George stood at the back mainly and wore sunglasses. Miss D may have some of the concert on her answering machine
At some point people started dancing and the arthritic jerkings of the locals in the half light looked exactly like the set of a zombie film. One wumman danced like a chicken, a ginger bloke could only dance with his elbows and a bloke in a pink shirt moved about in an uncoordinated manner. We did not join in
2 or 3 times the Beakles performed something that approximated a Beatles song as heard through a dodgy transistor on Medium Wave. Then the Mexican Waves started More sausage rolls were enjoyed. BM screamed appreciatively from time to time. LL gave him looks. (What looks.......what do you mean????????????)
While they played Yellow Submarine as an encore the stadium emptied rapidy, which may have been their plan.
More beer followed (not Lidl and not BM's) and then LL told us it was bedtime Not true..........went home and THEN went across the road to Swillmore and his lovely wife's home - which Nick said was like being on a Dallas Set????? - and enjoyed some further conversation and libation - then I said ''time for bed''
Will find pics later
Note to self - don't use orange, italic and bold, almost impossible to read isn't it
You are cooking your own supper
I'm not hungry...
You might be in a few days/weeks
are there any sausage rolls left?
Binned for health and safety reasons as BM left them sweating in the car over night and until 2 pm today ..... mind you he's only just taken out the bin bag, sooooooooooooooooooo he knows where they are IF he gets hungry later
I can beat that....
was given a huge block of blue cheese late one night then went for a afternoon went to the car, was still on the dashboard ......the car smelt for a year ,no matter what I used to clean it...