In fairness to Barman, he did have to drink through Tel's half to get to his half
No No it was Uncles not his.... unless Uncle gave him permission of course... 
Uncle can't have given his permission, it clearly states in rool 27a (IV) No player at any stage of the game may drink (with or without another players permission) the drink of another player. This rool stands under any and all circumstances. Should this ever happen the game shall be declared null and void.
The only time that this has ever happened was on 14th October 1956 when young Fred Grimsbottom allowed Cecil Braithwaite a sip of his drink following the famous 'sardine fish bone' incident.
It was never discovered whether this was actually and intentional manoeuvre on the part of Grimsbottom who was loosing to Brathwaite at the time as sardines had never been found in Rastick before, nor come to think of it, after.