My mother's father was a tailor - see we are sisters

We weren't what I could honestly describe as poor but we weren't well of either............this was avoided by both Mum and Dad working full time (which back in the 9150's was unusual for the Mum to do) ....... some memories (good and bad'ish)
Clothes were handed down the family (and across and backwards again sometimes) and appreciated
Treats were small - but things like toblorone on a Saturday (to share between the three girls) was massive
Mum was a knitter and the worst thing she ever did was knit our school vests for the Winter - being 13 flat chested (not much changed there then before any of you boys start) and wearing an orange knitted vest at PM - still

Both Mum and Dad worked very hard and we were the first house on our street to have a colour TV (Granada, rented weekly, of course) and all the chaps for 20 houses around came to watch the Cup Final
Feeling proud being trusted to put the 2 bob coin in the electricity meter
I was a tomboy and had my own gang - be afraid Nick, be very afraid