I have always been an enthusiastic supporter of the Human Rights Act. as I believe there should be a code of conduct to which people in authority can be held to account and stopped from unfair discrimination of people. But to live in a society where the judiciary decree that human rights should prevail in prison but not in elderly care homes, where the rights of a criminal are considered paramount in a case where he has permanently deprived another of his human rights .
Where the criminal element appears to be the only section of society that benefits from this fair behaviour because it is considered too expensive to grant to others and denied only where social need meets lawful resistance.
I am sure the Act never intended this disgraceful turn of events to happen where the rights of law abiding innocent peoples rights are being ridden slipshod by those that care for the law only for as far as it will benefit them to continue their evil ways, and I think it is time that we looked again at the question of rights.
In a civilised society where we all agree to be governed by the rule of law there must be a penalty to pay for wilfully breaking it. And for fairness to prevail then the rights of a victim must come first in any weighing up of the consequences that way the punishment would more likely fit the crime. If a situation has been created where a person has been permanently deprived, the sentence of permanently losing their human rights too should apply.
In fact I would go so far as to suggest that there should be a replacement for this fatally flawed Act, along the lines of Human Rights and Responsibilities. Whereas one deserves the other in equal shares, The principle of abandonment of rights as soon as the intent to commit a crime should become a reality. and victims should get the top slice of any rights issues.
At present, there is absolutely no incentive to refrain from crime, in fact the balance of probability shows only too clearly that one will likely profit from it, so the risk is worth it. Even in jail there is still a chance of coming out on top whilst in all cases the innocent law-abiding citizen picks up the bill.
If I were Mrs Lawrence I would be as mad as hell! Not only has her husband gone forever but so has another slice of humanity. People just won't get involved in incidents like that an who could blame them when the murderer wins human rights claims. in my view his sentence should last the same amount of time that she spends as a widow.
Where is our King Solomon when we need him?