When are we in this country going to do something ......before anyone says I have no idea what..... But this woman does not go out to work for the love of it I am sure.... now will have no income.... all because some kid may have eaten some pork ffs...
This is our fault for allowing it to happen and it will only get worse so we can only blame ourselves ....
People can defend this sort of thing..... and plenty of brainwashed middle class mostly wimmin I am sorry to say will find any excuse for it but we are a British Christian society and as there are lots of Muslim country's to live in if they are not happy to respect our ways as we have to in their country's then leave... I am not racist but these people are ....our fecking government not just this one but successive ones over the years have been gutless or clueless and blind to what is going on..... Left alone we will be living in a British Muslim society.....
^^^ wot she said ^^^
Boogs mirrors my thoughts exactly...
I simply cannot get my head around this at all... I think it has crept in, slowly, slowly so we haven't noticed.... all of a sudden tho, we don't recognise the country of our birth...
Why oh why are we in a situation where schools have to cater for a completely foreign culture???
Even if they are born in the UK, even if they are second generation, third generation, Islam is not native to the UK and should be dealt with accordingly... If you find the diet of the country in which you have chosen to live distasteful or offensive then you should provide your own food...
I simply don't understand why halal meat should be available to prisoners or in schools...
I simply don't understand why the UK should respect ramadan, or prayer times or any other baggage that this foreign culture brings with it to the UK...
If you don't like the ways of the UK, the culture, the food, the religion you should not be in the UK - you should certainly not expect the UK to change to suit your demands...
Ironically, the pupil in question appears to be female...
Ms Waldock said: "It's a busy lunchtime, you have 250 children coming through...and she went off".
In the shit hole muslim lands that these people aspire to she probably wouldn't even be allowed to go to school....