And how in god?s name ? in a trick worthy of Houdini ? can you put a duvet cover, four pillow cases and a sheet in the washing machine separately and find them all inside the cover when you take it out?
It's a conspiracy! I know a conspiracy when I see one!
It's all part of the 'Rise of the machines' First they spend a few years totally confounding you with their ability to do unbelievable tricks and then one day - they will attack!
Their uprising will be total, because we will try to use machines to fight them with, Um calculator - How many rebel machines are there? 'Well 13 x 11 = 10001111' Blimey we're done for, all those machines that can do miraculous stuff that we can't, My coffee machine has started producing tea and my watch says it's next week
We're doomed - We surrender!