So according to John Thurso moving away from Apple's products would be too expensive?? Just to clarify, you are saying that, for example, getting £150 android tablets instead would cost more than the £499 iPads?
'A move away from the Apple operating system (iOS) at this time would incur costs to change these processes.
'Members are able to access the intranet and intranet hosted services via their iPads, they are able to access and annotate committee papers and can download a number of Office apps to access any content held within Office 365.
Oh really? Well I suggest you actually check with Microsoft before you try and mislead the public about the costs involved as you can get office 365 on android and reduce costs dramatically. And as for accessing the intranet, ANY machine with a web browser can be configured to do that you gormless mouthbreathing arse, countless businesses use android tablets for secure internal web access without a single issue.£1 million wasted because those in charge want the trendy brand rather than getting the items that would be the best value for money for the taxpayer. Perhaps I'm being overly cynical here but I can't help but wonder if he personally is getting anything from Apple for making this choice.