. . .
Not a nice feeling at all Steve - and yes I agree (in some cases) the stores/operators are complicit 
We had an instance a few years back over here after having paid for Opera tickets - luckily for us they started (ha ha ) using the card almost immediately and when we went to draw cash the next day we couldner
Then the palaver of confirming that no we had not spent xxxxx amount of Ethiopian airline tickets - card blocked, new issued etc etc
But it does send a bit of a funny tingle up your back because it just reconfirms that there are a lot of dodgy people out there............ and (heed this please BM) you need to check your transactions VERY CAREFULLY
Any-ways, drivel over - hope you get it all sorted out quickly
Cheers LL
Just checked and it's still showing the duff transactions and way over credit limit
I guess it's going to take some time. 13 grand is way more than the profit Visa will make from me in any real time frame or indeed ever so they're not going to write it off and will be saying tough luck to the stores and they are hardly going to be happy writing it off either so will be saying it was really me. So we'll have all the fun and games of someone looking at CCTV etc and saying "look with that ugly visage and mutant features it must be Steve"