Fjords? Weren't they the ones where Slartibartfast designed all the crinkly bits?
Prolly like the Alps, once you've seen your 9th one they are just that little bit dull
Sheeple say that about me and 'me 'ill' tbh.

Been up there hundreds of times now, but NEVER get bored.
Just so nice to get away from every day dramas and general crap, and to soak up the tranquility and clean crisp fresh air with no one to nag you.

Went to The Alps last year and spent most of the time just standing around ogling at the sheer immense beauty of the place.

Wouldn't be good if we all liked the same things.
Some come from all over the werld to visit the biggest shit 'ole very near here that exists on the planet apparently.
It's called Cheshire Oaks outlet village, and is overflowing with over priced over rated pure and utter shite, and also overflowing with utter dead brained cock a doodle do 'eds too.