I only watched the bit with him being interviewed and I have to say apart from the bit about his wife and kids I agreed with him in principal nobody is forced to read his stuff and he is entitled to his opinion....
I don't like marmite so I don't buy it .... end of story I don't complain to the shop they have it on the shelf..

That remains a false argument that OH and others like to project.
How can you choose not to have your employer, relatives, friends, neighbours etc reading false allegations about you?
Okay for what is worth my two pennyworth:
I haven't read any 'OH' because (a) I choose not to and (b) I haven't had time, yet
I have, however, read all this threads posted opinions and I feel they are
all are valid because they are your opinions
I don't think 'OH' or any of you should be damned for expressing opinion - if I don't like it I am capable of telling you, or can choose to ignore you
Who's up for a free pint to cheer us all up then