There is a kiddies play park just up the road from here...
When developers build a project they have to give 20% of the land back to the village... It is called the 'green area'....
Theoretically, the village maintains it, in reality they never do...

So it either just grows weeds and has stuff dumped on it or the developer can do something with it to keep the place looking nice...
Some just put a path through and a couple of benches and lights but more popular is to turn it into a little play park... Although why anybody would want to have a play park next to their luxury villa is completely beyond me....
Anyhooo... just up the road is this little play park built in the 'green area' between two houses...
They put in some paths and planted trees... It has swings, a slide and a see-saw.... and a precipitous drop over the edge of the cliff with no barrier!

I'll take some pictures tomorrer...
There is another just round the corner, lights, benches, swings and slide.... they've planted Oleander all around that one which as some of you may know is highly poisonous!