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Offline Nick

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Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« on: August 22, 2007, 09:27:23 AM »
The Boy, for some reason, has converted part of his room into a shop. Quite well done actually - displays, special offers, details of opening times on door, cash box and unctuous shopkeeper manner. Books are his main line, but there is a display of teddy bears.

We had The Twins here yesterday, mad as chimps and identical apart from just ONE freckle. Bit of a handful.

I noteiced that they had mastered the art of shoelace tying, something the Boy has so far failed to master, so I said that if they could teach him how to do it I would give them 50 p each. They disappeared off to the garden and came back with one pair of tennis shoes neatly tied. I said, "No, I want to see The Boy tying them himself". Half an hour later all three reappeared and The Boy ties the laces. I gave the twins 50 p each.

They all went upstairs and when they came down each of the twins was holding a book. They said that the boy had done a sales pitch on them and sold them the books for, er, 50p each!!

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 09:36:06 AM »
The Boy, for some reason, has converted part of his room into a shop. Quite well done actually - displays, special offers, details of opening times on door, cash box and unctuous shopkeeper manner. Books are his main line, but there is a display of teddy bears.

We had The Twins here yesterday, mad as chimps and identical apart from just ONE freckle. Bit of a handful.

I noteiced that they had mastered the art of shoelace tying, something the Boy has so far failed to master, so I said that if they could teach him how to do it I would give them 50 p each. They disappeared off to the garden and came back with one pair of tennis shoes neatly tied. I said, "No, I want to see The Boy tying them himself". Half an hour later all three reappeared and The Boy ties the laces. I gave the twins 50 p each.

They all went upstairs and when they came down each of the twins was holding a book. They said that the boy had done a sales pitch on them and sold them the books for, er, 50p each!!

He'll be selling you time on your own computer next!  point:
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Offline Landlady

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 09:37:35 AM »
If The Boy is shoelace challenged why don't you just buy him a pair of slip ons - you tight git  ;D

Offline Bar Wench

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2007, 09:39:16 AM »
Or velcro?

I envision great things for The Boy! I knew someone like him at school. He used to buy porn and sell the pages individually and would rake in three times what he spent on the mag in the first place.

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2007, 09:39:28 AM »
Most kids' shoes these days have Velcro fastening. I didn't get where I am in life without being able to tie my own shoelaces! Mind you, shoelace tying is accompanied by a lot more grunting than used to be the case confused:
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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2007, 09:39:53 AM »
Or velcro?

I envision great things for The Boy! I knew someone like him at school. He used to buy porn and sell the pages individually and would rake in three times what he spent on the mag in the first place.

Brilliant idea!!
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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2007, 09:40:45 AM »
The Boy, for some reason, has converted part of his room into a shop. Quite well done actually - displays, special offers, details of opening times on door, cash box and unctuous shopkeeper manner. Books are his main line, but there is a display of teddy bears.

We had The Twins here yesterday, mad as chimps and identical apart from just ONE freckle. Bit of a handful.

I noteiced that they had mastered the art of shoelace tying, something the Boy has so far failed to master, so I said that if they could teach him how to do it I would give them 50 p each. They disappeared off to the garden and came back with one pair of tennis shoes neatly tied. I said, "No, I want to see The Boy tying them himself". Half an hour later all three reappeared and The Boy ties the laces. I gave the twins 50 p each.

They all went upstairs and when they came down each of the twins was holding a book. They said that the boy had done a sales pitch on them and sold them the books for, er, 50p each!!

He'll be selling you time on your own computer next!  point:

He did try to flog Mrs Nick one of her own books the other day noooo:
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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2007, 09:40:55 AM »
Or velcro?

I envision great things for The Boy! I knew someone like him at school. He used to buy porn and sell the pages individually and would rake in three times what he spent on the mag in the first place.

Brilliant idea!!
He's prolly discovered your stash already...  whistle:
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Offline Bar Wench

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2007, 09:41:36 AM »
Or velcro?

I envision great things for The Boy! I knew someone like him at school. He used to buy porn and sell the pages individually and would rake in three times what he spent on the mag in the first place.

Brilliant idea!!

Found him on facebook the other day. Pad in London, house in the country, villa in Spain, trophy wife. Makes me want to  sick2: especially as I turned him down in the sixth form.  Banghead

Offline Nick

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2007, 09:42:21 AM »
Or velcro?

I envision great things for The Boy! I knew someone like him at school. He used to buy porn and sell the pages individually and would rake in three times what he spent on the mag in the first place.

Brilliant idea!!
He's prolly discovered your stash already...  whistle:

I was wondering where that catalogue had gone!
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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2007, 09:43:50 AM »
If The Boy is shoelace challenged why don't you just buy him a pair of slip ons - you tight git  ;D

Because all parents go through this and if you don't insist the kids end up lazy and unable/unwilling to perform even the simplest tasks.
In the days when I was in operational charge of several hundred Security Guards I was amazed at how few of the younger ones could even clean a pair of shoes.
Now I struggle to teach my children to spell, to add and subtract etc. "Why should we" they say "We've got computers now"
If you cannot perform the basics then the more difficult tasks will prove impossible. That is a lesson in life   Banghead
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Offline Landlady

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2007, 09:48:28 AM »
Or velcro?

I envision great things for The Boy! I knew someone like him at school. He used to buy porn and sell the pages individually and would rake in three times what he spent on the mag in the first place.

Brilliant idea!!

Found him on facebook the other day. Pad in London, house in the country, villa in Spain, trophy wife. Makes me want to  sick2: especially as I turned him down in the sixth form.  Banghead

Ah but is he happy and would you want to live a life of luxury built off the profits of porn ?

Offline Bar Wench

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2007, 09:49:20 AM »
Or velcro?

I envision great things for The Boy! I knew someone like him at school. He used to buy porn and sell the pages individually and would rake in three times what he spent on the mag in the first place.

Brilliant idea!!

Found him on facebook the other day. Pad in London, house in the country, villa in Spain, trophy wife. Makes me want to  sick2: especially as I turned him down in the sixth form.  Banghead

Ah but is he happy and would you want to live a life of luxury built off the profits of porn ?

Seems to be and yes I would!  lol:

Offline Snoopy

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2007, 09:54:20 AM »
Or velcro?

I envision great things for The Boy! I knew someone like him at school. He used to buy porn and sell the pages individually and would rake in three times what he spent on the mag in the first place.

Brilliant idea!!

Found him on facebook the other day. Pad in London, house in the country, villa in Spain, trophy wife. Makes me want to  sick2: especially as I turned him down in the sixth form.  Banghead

Ah but is he happy and would you want to live a life of luxury built off the profits of porn ?

Seems to be and yes I would!  lol:

Then do something about it ~ you're sitting on a potential fortune.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Offline Nick

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Re: Worrying entrepreneurial activity
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2007, 09:55:49 AM »
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