The Boy, for some reason, has converted part of his room into a shop. Quite well done actually - displays, special offers, details of opening times on door, cash box and unctuous shopkeeper manner. Books are his main line, but there is a display of teddy bears.
We had The Twins here yesterday, mad as chimps and identical apart from just ONE freckle. Bit of a handful.
I noteiced that they had mastered the art of shoelace tying, something the Boy has so far failed to master, so I said that if they could teach him how to do it I would give them 50 p each. They disappeared off to the garden and came back with one pair of tennis shoes neatly tied. I said, "No, I want to see The Boy tying them himself". Half an hour later all three reappeared and The Boy ties the laces. I gave the twins 50 p each.
They all went upstairs and when they came down each of the twins was holding a book. They said that the boy had done a sales pitch on them and sold them the books for, er, 50p each!!