Oh dear Steve, just when I was beginning to have a warm feeling about you and me agreeing on something, you had to go and be deliberately provocative! Now I can't even do the ironing without feeling as though I want to give you a good tongue lashing - if only we were in a real boozer!
Where to start though...

Blair being a good leader?

don't know how you came up with that? The coalition doing well

They are as weak as gnat's pi**, constantly having to kow-tow to Clegg, haven't even started to cut the deficit yet, only the rate at which at which it is growing - Vince Cable should stick to doing the cha cha and Danny Alexander should join him. The Libdems will probably pimp themselves out again after the next election and join a nice LibLab pact - there's a thought. What's next?

The idea that taking people out of tax is a good idea? - everyone should pay something, even a small amount, people need to feel that they are enfranchised and that they have a stake in society as opposed to taking from it,

possibly thinking that PR might be a good system?
Finally, the word shallow is a bit derogatory, we just all tend to vote according to how it affects our pocket - that's just human nature
I can only deduce from this Watson that you must be a Libdem - they don't call me Miss A of the Yard for nothing