Never mind suffer the children - Suffer the bloody nation.
I am sick and tired of people telling me that the country is going to the dogs and if we don't do something anarchy will rule. It's all rubbish. It has happened already.
Decent people these days go out to work in the morning, work all day Monday and most of Tuesday for the taxman and go home and barricade themselves in and watch the decrepit junk on the box or play here on the net, because if truth is told, we don't want to be outside risking our necks any more. The streets belong to the mob.
The more we stay in the greater the freedom we are granting to the rabble that now run the streets. We can't control them, the police can't control them, nobody can! It's already history, these thugs are all comfortably installed in council houses and paid-for lodgings and rearing their own kids and we are paying for them! Children that are being brought up to fight as babies and weaned on knives in brutal drug-ridden crime pit environments. Kids in this kind will be even more uncivilised, reaching a degree further towards their feral roots. They are being born and raised right now!
In my childhood, the schoolteachers were ex-servicemen well used to discipline and so were the police, I grew up to respect them and call them sir. It is only this kind of child rearing that keeps civilisation going. These days even I don't have any respect for the bunch of tossers that can't do anything, so I can hardly expect semi-feral kid to give respect can I? This IS the generation that EXPECTS do do what it wants in any way they want and we get to pay and like it.
'If you come to school we'll give you an iPod' or 'If you break the law we'll send you on a holiday', 'You've been naughty so you'll really have to promise to be good or we'll give you a medal!' For Fu?k's sake when are we going to get our pathetic heads out of our arses and do something? Oh right - I forgot, we gave away the right to protest didn't we? We just make silly jibes at people that care enough to stand up and defy the authorities. Bad luck!
It is far too late to be talking about changing a few laws, surely we know by now that anything we do is fatally flawed because we cannot hurt the children, we must preserve their rights to run amok and never - ever humiliate them because it's not civilised! Relax, safe in the knowledge that in a generation these people will be the prime population of Britain, and they will share power with anarchists and nutcases from around the world that will find Britain to be the only country that will accept them - English not required!
The days of griping about it are fading - fast. The price we all will have paid for electing amateurs to government and being too bloody stupid to learn from our mistakes. We have stood by and watched all this coming and did nothing. Stick your neck out now and it will get arrested or blown clean off.