What do you suggest Gordo does?
It was a serious question. Who should sort this out? Gordo? Government in general? Us? No one? Parents?
On it goes..................
Government. They have to introduce new and radical laws with severe punishments issued to both the parents and their rodent offspring if they step out of line, and I'm not talking 'instant fines', letters to the parents, ASBOS's (badges of honour) and parenting class's here, I'm talking instant addmission into boot camps and public floggings....and that's just for starters.
These bastards have to be humiliated. They are laughing at our current poxy so called punishments.
See if they still find it so funny when they're being bloody horse whipped for 20 minutes, in the public arena.
Sgt TWAT won't tolerate a bit of sniggering either.
Oh, and of course, no women teachers in secondary school....not a sexist comment, but they just aren't capable of physically dealing with this disruptive scum, and bring back corporal punishment immidiately.