Right now he is the least worst choice as Biden would be an even bigger disaster as President than Corbyn would have been as Prime Minister. Honestly I'd love to see a viable non hypocritical and sensible Democratic party not to mention a decent candidate but their current derangement and lurch to the hard left makes them at best a joke and at worst an economic disaster. Look at how they have squandered the last 4 years with their constant witch hunts instead of doing what they promised after Trump was elected and working with the administration. Look at New York, at Portland (where there is still a riot despite what is being claimed) at Seattle, at Chicago where the mayor ignored and then verbally abused an alderman who voiced concerns about rioters heading into residential areas after she blocked access to the commercial area, at California where you can make almost £200k a year as a city worker cleaning human shite off the pavements because they have mismanaged the homelessness problem so badly. Now look at policies that they have proposed, massive tax hikes that will drive people away, the green new deal which would not only cost trillions to implement but would obliterate the massive america oil industry in one fell swoop.
I watched a large part of the Bill Bar inquiry (as much as I could stomach) and the behaviour of the Democrat members was simply appalling, trying to railroad their own narrative over what happened and then talking over him with the 'I'm reclaiming my time' routine when he wouldn't play ball and answered them, hell one member went so far as to accuse Barr and Trump of murder. Then when Jim Jordan tried to call them out over their behaviour he was slammed by Nadler. So much for the unbiased inquiry the electorate deserved.
You have senior members of the Democrats openly supporting defunding the police despite not having any concept of what life would be like with a vastly reduced or abolished force because they can either afford private security or have protection assigned because of their position. It's getting to the point that trucking companies are starting to say they won't offer services to cities that are pushing to defund their police forces in order to protect their employees and I can easily see the ones who would be prepared to deliver not being able to afford the resulting hikes in the required insurance policies.
These are the kind of people being supported, cowards who gang up and throw paint over a pensioner who tried to stop them from destroying buildings.