My boss is an over-promoted 35 year old who prides herself on her "management skills." Wrongly.
Last night one person on the team made a cock up (I had already left) and instantly put his hands up and apologised.
Mrs Over Promoted's boss dropped a ton of shite on her this morning about the cock up.
Instead of saying "Yes X cocked up and has admitted it and apologised" she transported the shite across to our Department and hosed it over everyone in a shrill voice, including 2 utterly blameless and excellent admin staff who were left in tears!!!
I went to see her earlier today and, since she professes to like "plain talk and directness" gave her both barrels and told her she should herself apologise to all staff who she shite blasted. I left her as she gaped like a goldfish.
SHe has not apologised

I went to see the admin staff at the end of the afternoon and they were just sitting commiserating and plotting revenge