Out of curiosity I had a look at the full text on his website....
http://www.tonyblairoffice.org/news/entry/iraq-syria-and-the-middle-east-an-essay-by-tony-blair/"I speak with humility on this issue because I went through the post 9/11 world and know how tough the decisions are in respect of it. But I have also, since leaving office, spent a great deal of time in the region and have studied its dynamics carefully"
No you speak with forked tongue you lying bastard, your actions with regards to Iraq had fuck all do to with the aftermath of 9/11 and you damn well know it. If it had been a purely knee jerk reaction to the terror attack then you wouldn't have gone through all the machiavellian maneuvers in order to justify the invasion in the first place. Don't think any of us have forgotten the instructions to 'sex up' the WMD risk or the 45 minute claim.
The beginning of understanding is to appreciate that resolving this situation is immensely complex. This is a generation long struggle. It is not a ‘war’ which you win or lose in some clear and clean-cut way. There is no easy or painless solution. Intervention is hard. Partial intervention is hard. Non-intervention is hard.
A shame you didn't come to that conclusion when you were planning the invasion. Neither you or Dubya gave ANY consideration to what would happen in Iraq after Saddam was removed from power, what little planning you had for setting up a new government could have been put together by a half witted 5 year old. Anyone looking at the history of Iraq would have been able to see that the tensions between the Sunni and Shia muslims would have ended up in violence without anyone strong and ruthless enough to keep it from boiling over. But no, at best you probably saw parallels between Iraq and the sectarian violence in Ireland and decided that the 'tried and tested' approach would work. At worst you were too busy with the dollar signs in your eyes to give a toss about the consequences of your actions.