I really wonder whether the present level of lawlessness and unbridled immigration isn't there to serve the purpose of actually wanting the Identity controls believing that it will make everything better for us.
The same lack of vision prevails, the ideology is that if it is within the wit of man to devise a foolproof system, then it must equally be within the wit of man to think of a way around it.
If that were not true then bank robberies and prison escapes would have dries up years ago.
It will end up where we, the honest public, will be taken like lambs to the slaughter by crooks and government alike.
The only people that will have a life will be those that will have the privilege of being exempted from the ID database. And those that will absolutely refuse to comply and be imprisoned where hopefully, I will learn some better anti-ID data ideas.
I never did like the concept of an old peoples home anyway - and I'll have more human rights inside and be able to smoke in jail