
Author Topic: Now that's what I call sentencing  (Read 660 times)

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Offline Snoopy

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Now that's what I call sentencing
« on: August 27, 2007, 05:34:44 PM »
They do say that whither the United States goes, in the fullness of time, we will follow. Well I bloody hope so because this is one very important element in cleaning up our country.

Two men were jailed for a total of 89 years today after they admitted robbing and killing an aspiring British politician in an affluent neighbourhood of Washington DC.

Alan Senitt, former chairman of the Union of Jewish Students (UJS), died after his throat was slashed in front of a mansion in the US capital as he tried to protect a female friend from a sex attack in July last year during a period of violence that led police in the US to declare a crime emergency.

Christopher Piper, 26, was sentenced to 37 years in jail and Jeffrey Rice, 23, was given 52 years by the District of Columbia Superior Court.

Given that parole will not even be considered until two thirds of their sentences have been completed this pair will give society no more problems.
One wonders what they would have got in a British Court ~ Community Service I expect. ::)
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Re: Now that's what I call sentencing
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2007, 06:34:12 AM »
I?m just reading Jeffrey Archer?s prison diaries.

He comes across as a complete stuck-up whinging baby?

However, some of the things he describes are complete eye openers. For instance, first offence credit card fraudsters sent to Bellmarsh maximum security prison and locked up for most of the day with murderers, drug dealers, etc. (Archer gets his own cell of course).

I agree with longer sentences but the whole system stinks in the UK. it needs to be given significant new capacity so that they can take it all apart and start again.
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