I understand how you feel Uncle M but I have to say after just having spent a weekend with my mother down in the West Country it is almost a relief
The blessed Old Dear pulled a smart one and I had at attend a 'family meeting' with her - I was of course given no prior warning and she pulled rank
Apparently this is a regular thing that all her remaining brothers and sisters do (there were 8 of them - now down to 7 through natural decrease) and it involves sitting round in one of their houses, with their respective hubby's/ wives, dogs and any other associated pets and they 'catch up' with each other.
OMG !!!!! It was a gorgoeus day - I could have been out sunbathing, in a pub drinking, in a restuarant scoffing, in a shopping centre browsing - but oh no - in a garden answering questions from the inquistion about what I am doing with my life - to interfering old busy bodies I have not seen in over 20 years (that is not my mum by the way but she does fulfill some of this criteria