Disaster struck the other day (hence my tears above)....
She was all ready to fly (I thought) with new software.... for the first time everything seemed to be working perfectly...
However, the motors would not arm - the motors default to 'unarmed' so they don't chop your arms off when you connect the battery if you have left the throttle half way...
You 'arm' the motors by putting throttle to zero and full right 'rudder' on the radio transmitter....
...but it didn't work.... I plugged it back into the flight planner (on my PC) and it said the motors could not arm as the compass needed re-calibration.
So, I went into calibration mode - the flight planner collects data for a minute from the compass while you turn the aircraft through all axis.... it can then calculate 'offsets' which are downloaded to the board...
...about 50 seconds into the process THE USB CONNECTOR BROKE OFF THE FLIGHT CONTROLLER!!!!

So, it is basically fucked... I can't fly it without calibrating the compass....
The USB connector has teeny-tiny connections which make contact with the board - they are not soldered but the connector shroud itself is soldered to the board....
I thought I could possibly hot-glue it back onto the board but (after getting boiling hot glue all over my fingers) while I can get a connection the PC will not reliably see it as connected...
I can connect by a FTDI (serial) port on the board but I needed a USB to FTDI converter which I don't have....
So, now waiting for a new flight controller and an FTDI to USB converter (belt and braces) to arrive through the impossibly slow Cyprus Post system...