Why is it so difficult to get things, anything to work when you need it?
We?ve covered relationships with suppliers that just ignore their contractual responsibilities but why can?t simple things like FAX machines work when you want them to?
Bloody thing wasn?t cheap and sits there for 99.99998% of the time doing absolutely nothing ?cept being on standby and causing calamitous weather all around the planet (and on others too I should be surprised).
Yet on that one occasion a week when you want the bloody thing to send a two page bloody FAX it refuses to cooperate!
First it sucks both pages in together turning it into a one page FAX and ensuring that you will stand over the bloody thing just to make sure it works.
Then you try to re-send the second page but, flushed with its success of winding you up with its first little trick it refuses to suck that one in at all and announces that it has a ?paper jam?.
No you haven?t you worthless piece of shite you haven?t any paper at all! To add insult to injury it then has to print a report (using a whole page of the very expensive ribbon stuff) to announce to the world that it had an error in case you had been stupid enough to walk away from it in the bizarre expectation that it might just actually do what you had asked it to do!
When it finally finishes printing its report about five minutes later you have to press the [STOP] button ? to stop what I have no idea and cause an unnecessary (IMHO) period of clanking and grinding to take place ? some form of FAX machine showing off I shouldn?t be surprised.
Then finally, when it all settles down you can try to send the page again ? this time of course because you have nothing better to do in your worthless life you stand over the machine and at the fist sign of hesitation stuff the recalcitrant page down its throat like a worming pill down a cat ?
take that you little bastard! I feel better now...