This had me spitting fire when I read it Thacker, the head of childrems services is shamelessly and with total contempt and disregard to the victims trying to not only pass the buck but ninimise the seriousness of the whole affair.
'Protecting young people from harm is not the responsibility of any single agency and as a community we need to continue to work together to tackle this horrific crime.'
You are right, it isn't the responsibility of a single agency. Its the responsibility of EVERY agency and your attempt to play down the whole affair by saying it was only 2.4% of the total safeguarding work by the council will be a great comfort to the 1400 children who were repeatedy abused by these animals over the 16 years which has included your entire tenure as head of department. And in case anyone wants to make a comment about me being racist for calling them such I would use the description for ANYONE who would rape a child no matter their age colour or creed.
In your case I have to wonder, especially since you previously removed a child from foster parents simply because the voted UKIP which in your own words
"did not fit in with the children's 'cultural and ethnic needs' - and that supporting Ukip was inconsistent with 'multiculturalism'", whether or not you are guilty of putting your own personal and political agenda ahead of the needs of the children you are responsible for protecting.
Even more despicable is your attempt to foist a portion of blame off to the parents of the victims, given that they wouldn't have had access to the information concerning the scale of what was happening. Yes parents have a responsibility to protect their children, that goes without saying, but they can only act on what they know and there is a more than convincing argument that you and your ilk went out of their wat to ensure that information either wouldn't become public knowlege or would be played down.
There needs to be a complete, independant and most impportantly public enquiry into how this went unchecked for 16 years with those found responsible not just sacked from their role but punished to the full extent of the law for their negligence.