My old phone just broke!
Crushed between a Panjero and a Gate place?
Perhaps if I cut down the SIM
Not sure about the grinder but yes you can cut down many SIMs. They used to sell 2 SIM to one phone gismos that told you to do just that
I have a SIM chopper but it goes from mahoosive-SIM to Micro-SIM... and new phone needed nano-SIM...
There was a big sticker on the back of the phone that said something along the lines of, "for fucks sake get a new SIM, don't just chop down your old SIM or everything will be buggerated'...
So I went to the phone shop today and explained that I needed a new Nano-SIM for me new phone like and bish-bosh, out with the chopper, SIM chopped, excess SIM in the bin and , there you go sir, no charge'...