So yesterday was spent very productively clearing out the garage which had obviously been used as a general dumping ground for years
However there were a few things in there that we didn't want but weren't in bad condition.
Thought I would do good and offer it to anyone on one of those freecycle sites - where people can't be arsed to take it to the tip themselves but you can have it for free if you collect.
FFS - I put a couple of ads on at about 8pm last night. Since then I have had no less than 50 emails asking if they can have it. I haven't responded to any as yet and am now getting chaser emails asking why I have not replied
One person has said they want one of the items ( a bird cage) as she hasn't got a bird yet , or ever had one, but might have one in the future
I am thinking of just putting them on the street at a spoecific time and doing a batch reply to the emails informing them of such , then watch the bun fight ensue