Just taken on a bunch of new staff.
They are a freakin nightmare. Bunch of petty , squabbling , bitchfighting , issue ridden feckers
Just had a review with one of them.
Which turned into him sobbing away cos his relationship had broken up ( but this was 4 years ago!!! ) ...he was never going to find another woman ( cos he reckons no one would want him just for his money
), he feels ugly and lonely and his mum controls his life ( he had to move back home 4 years ago ) .
Oh and by the way he had a substabnce addiction (but is ok now he is off the Coke ) but he does drink two bottles of wine a night ( at least)
He has an addiction to pain killers though and is in constant pain from a lifetime bone condition
I feel a whole heap of work coming my way trying to get him out