Hours of fun for all the family. Here is a list of that you will need.to experience this at it's best.
Really clumsy fingers. Nick or myself aunadulterd or any of you and the dry ice bucket are ideal.
A mobile phone with a tiny weeny screen and even tinier weenier keys.
Bad eyesight and the lack of any comprehension as to the basic workings of your phone
will greatly enhance your experience.
How to play.
Go to any topic on the forum ensuring that you zoom out far enough to be able to read a post comfortably or at least with only half a squint. Making sure that you keep at least the first column of each post firmly out of sight.
Guess the name of the poster.
Continue in this vein, if playing with other family or board members taking it in turns until at least one of the following criteria have been reached.
1. Your blood pressure is unacceptably high.
2. Your mobile phone has been throw out through a window.
3. The rest of your family leave you in peace and you are able to relax with a glass of wine and play with yourself. ;-)