Well the Guy Richie adaptation of Operation Postmaster looks interesting. Cavil seems to work as Gus March-Phillips and whoever was cast as Anders Lassen looks like he's done a decent job of portraying him. Think I'll give this a look.
I've now seen the film and............errr.............well if you don't know anything about Operation Postmaster and haven't read the book the film is (very) loosely based on then it's standard Guy Richie fare. If you do know about the operation or have read the book then............it's standard Guy Richie fare so historical accuracy will take a bit of a back seat in favour of his trademark Richieism which gives it a very 'Dirty Dozen' vibe although the characters don't feel overly fleshed out.
I'll admit I had high hopes for the film and then some hefty reservations when I heard it was a Guy Richie project and overall it turned out pretty much as I expected. While I can understand it may have complicated how Richie wanted the film to flow. For instance Gus March-Phillips wasn't in prison prior to the operation and knew Appleyard both from Dunkirk and operations with the Small Scale Raiding Force, a group Anders Lassen had also started building his legend in. Operation Postmaster wasn't a one and done mission that was over in a couple of weeks. It was the first of many SOE operations and took months to plan and train for. Plus it was was intended as a cutting out operation for the three boats from the beginning instead of being a last minute change in plans.
Including Ian Fleming was a clever tip of the hat as he was a member of the SOE and had previously stated that James Bond was based in no small part of Gus March-Phillips, he wasn't directly under Brigadier Gubbins but Rear Admiral Godfrey instead so wouldn't have been part of that meeting at the start. .
Richard Lippett was removed completely from the story and replaced with Marjorie Stewart who was a member of the SOE but likely wasn't involved with this particular operation and Mr Heron who is one of a number of characters who have been made up for a more Richiefied story (see also the Nazi commandant at Fernando Po)